Terms & Conditions
I give consent and authorize PFI Mega Life to use my personal data for administrative purposes, and services associated with the offering of this product/program and or other products/programs from PFI Mega Life Insurance.
Mega Credit Shield Maksima is a group life insurance product which provide financial protection to each of the Participant in the event of death, total permanent disability and partial disability.
a. If Participant deceases due to Accidental Death will give 500% of the Sum Assured
b. If Participant deceases due to non Accidental Death will give 500% of the Sum Assured
c. If the Participant suffers Total Permanent Disability, will give 100% of the Sum Assured.
d. If the Participants suffers partial disability due to illness or accident, Policyholder will give 10% of the Sum Assured for a maximum of 12 months (according to the Policy/Insurance Certificate Terms).
18 - 60 years (age of nearest birthday)
Monthly, and can be renewed until Participant reach age 65 y.o. and the premium is paid.
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Rupiah (IDR)